
Map Tour

A cultural & Creative Haven In Ljubljana, Slovenia 

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What's inside...

A bar that opens at 12 PM and closes as late as it wants. While only selling Slovenian made drinks, the space also serves as a movie theater, concert venue, and dance club.

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What's inside...

Activist center for people interested in politics, feminism, or human rights. It is also an info center for people interested in getting involved in any of Metelkova’s many projects. The space is mainly used for discussions and exhibitions and contains a library of zines, books, and CDs on various topics.

Gallery for artists who have studios in Metelkova, foreign artists, and young artists to present their work. The installations can vary from paintings to performances.

Venue used for noise and punk music, as well as for film presentations, discussions on film theory, political seminars, and a literature program.

Venue for new and experimental music including art rock and world music, as well as theater and circus exhibitions. During the day offers free workshops for youth and provides rehearsal spaces for theater groups and musicians.

Venue for goth, metal, and 70's rock. 

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What's inside...

Organizes concerts, DJ nights, video projection installations, theater, and  poetry.

Organizes concerts, DJ events, and films. Genres include reggae, hip hop, punk, hardcore, rock, metal, dub, trip hop, breakbeat and drum'n'bass.

Serves many purposes including a café, second hand store, and art gallery by day and a psychedelic dance club by night.

“KUD Mreža has been archiving materials regarding ACC Metekova mesto history (photos, audio and video recordings, media reports, academic studies, legal documentation, etc.) since the original squatting. We invite all potential archivists to collaborate with us.” 

KUD Mreža home page

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Stratova Citalnica

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Library in a bus behind Pesci. Selection includes books and periodicals on social studies, education,  ecology, woman studies, and anarchism.

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Promotes lesbian culture and lifestyles. Events include exhibitions, literary evenings, discussions, and dance parties.

Explores gay culture through art, film, and discussions. Has exhibitions of photographers, painters, films and sculptures, as well as a dance club.

Non-profit NGO for promoting theory and culture of people with disabilities.  Has exhibitions, movies, lectures, and workshops.

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Hostel Celica

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World-renowned hostel located in the former prison of the army barracks.  Includes a bar, restaurant, art installations, and occasionally hosts musical performances.

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Metelkova 6

What's inside...

“The mask is a non-profit organization for publishing, production (performances, interdisciplinary and visual art works), education and research. It is organized through three sections: Maska Publications, Maska Productions and Maska Symposium. Maska's theoretical, critical and artistic activities are involved in contemporary art and theory, research, experimental performing practices, interdisciplinary art and critical theory.”

Maska home page

“What is it- Stripburger? In the year 1992 the first issue of this, now legendary magazine, was published. What compelled the forefathers of Stripburger to start a magazine was the lack of a comic magazine in Slovenia. To this very day it remains the one and only comic magazine in the country of Slovenia. Because of the small local production, explorative tendencies of the editors and the inescapable bind between local production and global trends, the magazine was publishing comics by foreign as much as local artists - mélange of styles and narratives that remains one of the most appealing features of Stripburger. The editorial visited numerous festivals, book fares and galleries and succeeded in erousing the attention of the international public. In January 2001 the magazine won an award at the International Festival of Comic Art in Angouleme in the category for the best fanzine. Big attention was also given to special editions of the magazine, namely Stripburek, Comics from the Other Europe, anthology of Eastern European comics and the newest book to come out of the Stripburger kitchen - Honey Talks, - comics inspired by painted beehive panels.”

Stripburger home page

“The Workers' Punk University - Delavsko-pankerska univerza (DPU) - is an educational project that provides opportunities for active education (lectures, discussion groups, reading seminars) on contemporary political topics tacitly ignored by established academia. For some time now the self-contained knowledge of the established university has failed to address issues in the fields of punk, labour and other marginalised groups, ie the watershed social and political reality of today. In the past years DPU has addressed these gaps with lecture-cycles such as 'Revolution', 'Neo-Conservativism', 'The New Right', 'The Left', 'Utopistics', 'May '68: reVISION' and 'Love and Politics', 'Post-Fordism' (drawing on the most diverse sources, including Gandhi, Freud, Arendt, Marx, Rousseau, St Augustine, St Paul, Adorno, Foucault, de Sade, Lacan, Negri and Virno), 'Political Ecology', ' On Sin' and 'Totalitarism' in the 2007/08 season. In its socially-reproductive function the established university is closely related with the existing social hierarchy: the university favours a typifying and utilitarian knowledge and grooms the future work force by virtue of its examination regimes. Thursday lectures – about 20 per year - are held at Klub Gromka. As the 'invisible college' the Workers' Punk University seeks to provide an alternative to the established university, not merely on the level of content but also in terms of its organisational structure, consequently it is organised and led by the students themselves. In the season 2007/2008 the DPU has launched a film seminar called Filmski krožek (themes: film comedy, the new Hollywood, the American 'black' film) has been launched in collaboration with Retrovizor.”


Official DPU home page

Human rights advocates. Let their website speak for them.

Peace Institute home page

"Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) was founded in 1984 by Ksenija Hribar and a group of dancers as the first professional contemporary dance company in Slovenia. Throughout the 1980s, PTL played a pioneering role in the development and promotion of contemporary dance in Slovenia. Most of today's contemporary dance choreographers and dancers have collaborated with the company, and some of them founded their own companies in the 1990s (eg Flota Institute, Fourklor)."

Cited: PTL home page

Magazine for film and television.

EKRAN home page

Holds exhibitions of female art and theater as well as an annual festival.

City of Women home page

Our objective is to produce, stimulate and mediate innovative artistic and interpretative practices and to encourage international links between them. We provide the participants and users of contemporary art with knowledge, tools and skills necessary for emancipated and reflected operation within the art system. By establishing a support system and cooperating with numerous NGOs we situate artistic practices into the social framework.”

SCCA-Ljubljana home page

Our broader objective is implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the praxis as well as their integration into national and EU strategic development programmes.”

ITR home page

ŠKUC is one of the leading non-governmental organisations promoting non-profit cultural and artistic activity in Slovenia.”

“In the past few years the activities of ŠKUC have expanded to areas such as providing information and counselling for young people, education, a library, archives, social affairs, prevention, sociology, humanism as well as research activities. It has also acquired the status of a association working in the public interest in the area of health care.”

ŠKUC home page

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